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My Thoughts...

By 12:56 AM

Hi! It's Natalie :)

AHAHAHA YES Anna. Only Nata can understand this blogging thing ;) Never the less, there are times when I do struggle though...

I agree that blogging is a nice way to let out your feelings and talk about how everything has been. However, I kept re-posting this recent blog post that I couldn't seem to keep on my blog. From talking to another friend I've realized that...sometimes things that are personal can't be put on the internet. The blog post I was planning to post is something I definitely know now that I will never post. Maybe later but not now ;) The internet can be such a great place but a dangerous one as well. Anyone can see our blog if they search deep enough so I'm going to be a bit cautious to be safe ❤︎

Oh! And that photo was taken by Mr. E during our Lake Sai Trip remember? It was on Smugmug so I decided to save it. Tell me if you want it too. 

Signing out,

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