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Hi World :)

By 11:14 PM

Today is: January 23rd 2016

Hi! Whoever you are...you most likely don't know us. My name is Natalie and another one of my friends, Anna, is also making this blog with me :) I hope you enjoy our posts ♡ Plus, if you have any thoughts, opinions, ideas or...PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING to say then go ahead and comment!

Ahahaha and I'm just gonna say as an update on how things are going on in life...well..ummm...it's pretty good.

Anna and I just had some pretty intense, weird and profound convos at her house. I just admitted the most embarrassing secret to her and one of my dark dark darkkkkk life stories....maybe one day you guys will know too ^_^ (probably not...)

Last night we had a sleepover for the first time. Our schedules usually don't match and we never really found the time to have one till now. I'm sosososo happy we had a sleepover though! It really made us closer. We're totally gonna have more sleepovers right Anna? :)

Yesterday was another crazy and complicated school day. We were told in advisory that our 8th grade ski trip is coming near. I'm extremely excited! Especially since Anna and I can be on the same bus and ski together!

After school was when we had to start filming for the MS Movie, Deja Vu! I am a character called Jerri who is the first main character that I've ever gotten. I've been grateful to take on this role and play around with it. However, I also learned from this that no matter what role you get...the truth is...there is something that never changes. The dedication, love and passion for acting! No matter what role you get in a movie or play, remember: The most important part is to do your best, practice loads and enjoy your time in a different world!

Sorry! I got carried away ~_~ Anyways, Anna is the main writer and the "Special Mr. N Assistant" (jk~❤︎) for the movie. She gets the special job of...HOLDING THE BOOMBOX! (Is that what it's called Anna? I forgot~) And, she also was a HUGE part of writing the script for the movie. Without her, the movie wouldn't have even been created! GO ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!

After the filming we talked a lot on our hour long bus ride back home. When we got to Anna's house we ordered.....*drumroll*


Ahaha nothing beats pizza! While we munched on our slices of heaven, we watched the first episode of a TV series called Once Upon A Time. I loved it and Anna seemed to love it too. After that we were spending hours in her bedroom trying to make this blog...LOL...we used up a lot of time doing that XD

By then it was getting really late so we went to bed. In the morning (which is today) we woke up super early to catch the bus to go film the MS Movie. It was a blast! Even though I was tired from all the work we did it was also an unforgettable experience. I learned many new lessons such as...

1) Once the camera is rolling you are in that different world with your character. No breaking character till the director says "CUT!"
2) Never look at the director when acting...actually don't look at anyone who isn't in the scene with you. Focus on the cha!
3) Relax. Let the lines flow through and don't worry too much!
4) Repetition is an actor's best friend
5) Take in the advice of what the directors tell you and ACTUALLY USE IT :)

I actually knew most of these..but I just thought it would be nice to say them again.

Well, that was a lot of writing! If you managed to get up to here...GOOD JOB! You get my unconditional love ❤︎ (not really...or do you?!) No but seriously, thank you. I actually feel like nobody is gonna read this anyways so hah. This blog is more focused towards something like a diary/memory book for Anna and I to look back and remember.

Signing out,
Natalie xx

(On the left of the photo is Natalie & on the right is Anna)

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